Non-heated Yoga since 2002 and back in our OG space in Victoria Park
New Classes start 2/18 with Will and Adelina. Check our schedule on the MB app
Kundalini Awakening Activation
Melissa Mucci
Saturday, 02/22/25 2:30-4:15pm $60
Clear some space for yourself to create 2025 and beyond…take time to go within, clear the mind of chatter, release tensions from the body, elevate your energy, and heighten self awareness & intuition.

Did you know that a kundalini activation can feel similar to a plant medicine trip– minus all the ugly purging.
And, unlike psychedelics, you can pull yourself out of an activation at any time rather than being under the influence for hours on end.
This elevated energy can help release negative emotions and clear energetic blockages in the body. It is an energetic purge that enables free flow of our energy to help us feel lighter, freer, happier & less stressed.
Sometimes during these sessions the body will move involuntarily to help the energy clear out, or we can have visions, or experience emotional release. Every activation is a different experience, and everyone’s experience varies.
We will have a short discussion/ intro, and then a few minutes of breathwork before the activation.
Please bring water, yoga mat or soft mat.
Fasting: Do not eat, or drink anything but water at least one hour before the session.
The Benefits:
Feel more balanced & energized
Increased vitality & creativity
Enhanced intuition & clarity
Reduce stress & anxiety
Release energetic blocks keeping you stuck In old patterns
Reduce & or release physical pain
Deepen your spiritual connection
States of deep peace/bliss